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Meet the LWV of North County San Diego Board

Officers & Directors 2024-25




Gold Underline

Marian Vega Clancy

Born in Los Angeles, CA, Marian lived in six other states before returning and settling in Carlsbad in 2021. After graduating from Georgia Institute of Technology, Marian's engineering career led her to work in manufacturing, tech service, quality, and marketing. Later while homeschooling her three children, Marian discovered a passion for community volunteering. She served as a board member of several 501(c)(3) non-profits including the Atlanta Homeschool Cooperative, Scottsdale Synchro, and Arizona Artistic Swimming Association. She is currently the treasurer of the West Zone Artistic Swimming Association, El Camino Quilters' Guild, and an active member of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation in Carlsbad.

As a second generation Cuban-Mexican, Marian stands strongly with the Leagues in solidarity with immigrants and fair immigration policies. She hopes to help the League membership grow while focusing on voter education, inclusion and diversity.

Marian was elected to the Board for a one-year term ending in June 2025.

can be reached at: president(at)


Vice President, Advocacy

Cathy Greene

Cathy has been a member of the League since 1980,  serving on the Board in a small town in northwestern Pennsylvania, where she participated in the 1982 to 1984 National Security Study and chaired the local committee to host the LWV Pennsylvania State Convention.  She joined the LWV San Diego in 1988 and served as the Rancho Bernardo unit chair.  In 2000 she moved to Carlsbad and became a member of the LWVNCSD. She served as Voter Service Chair (2010-16), the heart of the League; Co-President ( 2014-2015) and as a member of the Steering Committee (2015-2016).
Cathy received a B.A. in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, returned to school in the mid 90’s and earned a masters degree in Library Science. She held positions at the Poway and Oceanside Public Library and has volunteered with various other organizations and clubs. She is now retired and enjoys reading, gardening, traveling, theater, and spending time with her husband of 51 years, children, and our two grandchildren.  

Cathy is serving a two-year term ending in June 2026. Cathy can be reached at vpadvacacy(at)lwvncsd.or



Carol Parker
Carol was trained as a molecular biologist (UCLA) and worked in biotech, but now volunteers for several organizations.  In addition to being the Natural Resources Director for League of Women Voters, North County San Diego, she is also the San Diego North Liaison for the Citizens Climate Lobby for CA 49, an Environmental Commissioner for the City of Encinitas, and a member of the Encinitas Urban Forest Advisory Committee.

Carol was elected to the Board for a one-year interim term ending in June 2025 and also serves as Natural Resources Director.

Carol can be reached at secretary(at)

Ginny Hallner, Treasurer


Ginny Hallner

A lifelong resident of California, Ginny grew up in Los Angeles, graduated from SDSU with an accounting degree and has worked in public, private and non-profit accounting for over forty years.  She graduated from CSUSM Leadership North County, earned the designation of certified director from UCLA, and has served as a director and treasurer on several community, national and nonprofit boards, including Encinitas Educational Foundation, National Charity League and WomenHeart.

Ginny was elected to serve a two-year term through June 2026.

Ginny can be reached at: treasurer(at)



Voter Service Chair

Rosette Garcia

Rosette Garcia is a long-time North County resident and raised two children here.  She was previously elected to the Cardiff School Board, taught literature and writing at USD, and currently devotes her time to volunteering in the community.  She spent 6 years on the board of the local Planned Parenthood affiliate and chaired their 501(c)(4) board.  She is a current member of the board of the San Diego Women’s Foundation and in 2020 was appointed to the San Diego County Redistricting Commission, where she serves as Co-Vice Chair.

In League, Rosette has served as President, VP of Advocacy, led the legislative interview committee, given Pros & Cons presentations, and edited the Voter Newsletter.  She has never missed voting in an election and is enthusiastic about educating the community about policy issues and improving elections to secure our democracy. 

Rosette was elected for a two-year term ending in June 2026.

Rosette can be reached at: voterservices(at)



Chris Harris

Chris joined LWVNCSD in 1995, and served as Secretary. She started a second career and left the League, and returned when she retired in 2020. She has served on the Nominating Committee and worked on Candidate Forums both live and virtual. Now as Membership Director, her goal is to recruit new active members.

Chris is a naturalized American citizen. Her family emigrated from Canada in 1984; in 1993 she became an American citizen in order to vote! She has a B.S. in Mathematics, and an MBA in Entrepreneurial Studies. She was a systems analyst and programmer in the days before QuickBooks. Her second career was as an educator in Escondido. She loves to work with people and hopes to find lots of new friends in LWVNCSD.

Chris was elected for a two-year term ending in June 2026.

Chris can be reached at: membershipdirector(at)

Connie Ulrich photo

Program Director & Observer Chair

Connie Ulrich

Connie grew up in the Air Force and lived in French Morocco, England’s constable country, among many other locales, and attended eight schools including four high schools before enrolling at Indiana University.  As a flight attendant, based alternately in Chicago, Newark, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles, she was able to satisfy her love of travel and continue the family tradition of moving often. Marriage to a Marine Corps officer brought her to Camp Pendleton and upon retirement they made Carlsbad their permanent home.

Connie joined LWVNCSD in 2004, impressed by her first Pros & Cons presentation. She is proud of the League's Voter Service and advocacy work and appreciates League’s deliberative approach to issues; focus on inclusion and equity; support for civil discourse; and especially, its strict non-partisan stance. A long-time chair of the Observer Corps, she looks forward to serving as a member of the Board.

Connie was elected for a two-year term ending in 2026.

Connie can be reached at: program(at)


Events Chair

Mona Pastor

Mona Pastor grew up around the Great Lakes, in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana. Her high school debate teams taught the importance of research and seeing different sides to issues. Participating in the League of Women Voters is rewarding to Mona because of this and also her studies in Sociology and American History in college where she developed strong interests in voting rights.

Her career includes stints at an upstate New York public radio station as a host, interviewer and music librarian while completing a Masters in Library Science. In the Los Angeles area she was a reference/audiovisual librarian and a researcher at a television network and a Burbank production company. She has volunteered at a Boys & Girls Club, a Newcomers Club, and Jewish Family Services and was a member of LWV Ventura County before moving to North County. She and her husband of 4 years moved here to be near two of four adult children in their blended family.

Mona was elected for a two-year term ending in June 2026.

Mona can be reached at: events(at)


Director at Large

Anne Omsted

A lifelong resident of California, Anne was a social worker for the County of San Diego before retiring to be a full time mother.  Active in the community, she helped found The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, the Coastal Community Foundation, and the Friends of the Encinitas Library.  She served on the Encinitas City Council when the City incorporated in 1986, and was Mayor in 1989.  She continues to devote time to the Friends of the Encinitas Library and various other short-term projects.  Anne’s passion is water in California.  She served on the San Dieguito Water District and County Water Authority Boards as part of her work as a city council member and continues to serve as a LWV observer of the SDCWA. Besides her focus on water issues, she also devotes considerable energy to housing & homelessness issues for the LWV. 

Anne is serving a two-year term through June 2025. 

Anne can be reached at: daomsted(at)


Director at Large

Roni Seay

Roni Seay joined the LWV Concord MA in 1975 and the LWV North County in 1980. She has served as local League President, was VOTER editor for more than 20 years, and most recently served as Program VP.  Roni has also served many years on the board and as president of the Community Resource Center in Encinitas.  Her interests/loves are family, friends, travel, reading and nature.  She enjoys working with active, interesting League members.

Roni was elected for a two-year term ending in June 2026.

Roni can be reached at: roniseay(at)



Susan Connell

Susan joined LWVNCSD as Webmaster in 2019 when she was looking for a productive way to contribute her digital communications skills to positive civic solutions that improve our community, country and environment. Susan was particularly motivated to work with LWV because her parents had always emphasized the importance of voting – to the point where they had polling places in their garage until they were in their 80s!

A native Californian, Susan grew up in Los Angeles and moved to San Diego in high school. She attended UC Berkeley as an English major but returned to San Diego to graduate from UCSD with a BA in Communications. After a career in high-tech manufacturing where she was VP of Marketing for Exide Electronics as well as at several clean-tech startups, she returned to school to study for an MA in Learning Design & Technology at SDSU. She served as an adjunct professor there, teaching web development, multimedia and social media courses for a decade. She continues to consult in technology marketing and training primarily for high-tech and clean-tech companies. 

Susan can be reached at: webmasters(at)

Committee & Unit Chairs

Book Group - Carol Jensen
Email Carol

Natural Resources & Climate Change Committee - Carol Parker
Email Carol

Housing & Homelessness Committee - Mary Thompson
Email Mary

Voter Services - Rosette Garcia
Email Rosette

Water Policy Committee -
Anne Omsted
Email Anne


Carlsbad Unit
- Connie Ulrich
Email Connie

Oceanside Unit
- Inactive

San Dieguito Unit - Anne Omsted
Email Anne

The League of Women Voters of North County San Diego is a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent permissible under law. Our federal tax ID is 95-3389795

P.O. Box 131272
Carlsbad, CA. 92013-1272
phone: (760) 736-1608