Why Volunteer With the League?

Volunteering with League is a great way to give back to the community. You can participate in activities that inform and educate the community on issues that matter to them, from voting rights, ballot measures, and other election-related matters, to public policy issues. We also advocate and take action to influence public policy.
Interested in joining our efforts?
Send us an email.
What Can I Do?

No experience is needed; we provide training for the work we do to advance our mission of Making Democracy Work™:
- Voter registration and outreach
- Election season voter education
- Join the team offering Candidate Forums
- Be a part of the Pros and Cons team
- Assist with online voter information guides
- Monitor and advocate on local policy issues
- Observe a local governmental agency
- Study local issues for League advocacy and action
An all-volunteer organization like ours also always needs enthusiastic members with special skills and experience in areas like website management, communications, event planning, online admin tools, graphic design and social media. Do you have a particular area of expertise to share with League?
Send us an email.
Election Season 2024 Volunteers Needed!
Can you volunteer for the following voter registration and education events:
9/16/24, 1:00-2:00PM, Carlsbad
10/3/24, 7:00-8:00PM, Oceanside
10/3/24, 12:30-2:45PM , Vista
10/9/24, 10:00-11:00AM, Carlsbad
You will need to arrive 15 minutes beforehand for set-up and stay 15 minutes after to pack up. Complete this form to sign up for the event(s) or send an email to voterservices@lwvncsd.org.
To volunteer for our candidate forums, send an email to candidateforums@lwvncsd.org. Volunteers serve in many different roles including as a moderator, timer, question sorter, or greeter/runner. Training provided.
If you are comfortable with public speaking and familiar with Powerpoint, volunteer to be one of our Pros & Cons presenters. Training and study required. Contact prosandcons@lwvncsd.org.
One of our most critical and impactful volunteer jobs--and our most flexible--is assisting with our online ballot tool, VOTE411, to ensure it is thorough and accurate. Contact jsih@cavote411.org for more info.